
Sort by last name:


Gabriella Alvarez, PhD
Research Assistant Professor
Health Neuroscience, Health Inequities, Psychoneuroimmunology
Travis A. Alvarez, Ph.D.
Teaching Assistant Professor, Psychology
Cognitive & Neuroimaging Tools; Neural Circuitry; Learning
Kevin Ashley
Professor, University of Pittsburgh Graduate Program in Intelligent Systems
Heather Bachman, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Applied Developmental Psychology
School Readiness; Achievement; Home & Classroom Processes; Low-income Families
Barbara Baumann, PhD
Assistant Professor of Psychiatry
Scott Beach, Ph.D.
Director of Survey Research, UCSUR
Aging; Caregiver Stress; Elder Abuse; Technology for Aging/Disabled Populations
James Becker, Ph.D.
Professor, Psychiatry
Human Memory Disorders
Kevin Binning, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Psychology
Dana H. Bovbjerg, Ph.D.
Director of Biobehavioral Oncology, UPCI
Biobehavioral Factors in Oncology; Mind, Brain & Cancer
Charlotte Brown, PhD
Celia Brownell, Ph.D.
Professor Emeritus, Psychology
Early Prosocial Development; Social/Emotional Understanding; Socialization
Lauren M. Bylsma, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Psychiatry and Psychology
Affective disorders, transdiagnostic emotional processes, multi-method assessment of emotion, experimental psychopathology, neurobiology, psychophysiology, ambulatory assessment
Tony Caggiula
Professor Emeritus, Psychology
Chelsea Cameron, PhD
Academic Coordinator & Learning Specialist
Susan B. Campbell, Ph.D.
Professor Emerita, Psychology
Socio-Emotional Development; Parent-Child Relationships; Behavior Problems
Sophia Choukas-Bradley, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Psychology
Adolescent Mental Health; Social Media; Body Image; Self-Objectification; Disordered Eating; Depression; Gender; Sexuality; LGBTQ+ Youth; Intersectionality
Melinda Ciccocioppo
Teaching Associate Professor, Psychology
Social-Cognitive Processes within Romantic Relationships; Gender
Jeffrey Cohn, Ph.D.
Professor, Psychology
• Multimodal communication; Emotion; Affective Computing; Internalizing Disorders
Michelle Colvin, Ph.D.
Teaching Assistant Professor, Psychology
Sentence Comprehension, Reading
Jennifer Cousins, Ph.D.
Teaching Associate Professor, Psychology
Social & Biological Changes of Sleep During Development; Emotion Regulation
Marc Coutanche, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Psychology
Cognitive Neuroscience of Memory, Learning & Perception; Neuroimaging Analysis Methods
Kasey Creswell, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Psychology, Carnegie Mellon University
Addictive behaviors; self-regulation; alcohol use and misuse; cigarette craving
David Creswell, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Psychology, CMU
Stress; Self-Affirmation; Mindfulness; Emotions; Consciousness; Neuroscience
Jill M. Cyranowski, Ph.D.
Director, Clinical Psychology Center
Depression/Anxiety Treatment; Physiology of Stress & Depression in Relationships
Mary Amanda Dew, Ph.D.
Director, Clinical Epidemiology Program
Behavioral Medicine; Health Psychology; Research Methodology
Michael Walsh Dickey, PhD
Associate Professor, SHRS
Aphasia; Grammatical Language Processing; Semantic & Discourse Comprehension; Aphasia Treatment
Michael Dunbar, PhD
Behavioral Scientist, RAND Corporation
Kirk Erickson, Ph.D.
Professor, Psychology
Cognitive Aging Methods; Exercise; Improving Cognition
Julie Fiez, Ph.D.
Professor, Psychology
Cognitive & Educational Neuroscience of Reading, Language, Math, & Learning
Erika Forbes, Ph.D.
Professor, Psychiatry
Adolescence; Developmental Psychopathology; Neural Reward Systems
Amanda Forest, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Psychology
Close Relationships; Emotional Expressivity; Support Provision; Self-Esteem
Ellen Frank, Ph.D.
Distinguished Professor Emeritus, Psychiatry
Scott Fraundorf, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Psychology
Experience & Language Comprehension; Metacognition & Learning
Melinda Fricke, PhD
Assistant Professor
Bilingual Language Processing; Speech Perception; Speech Production; Corpus Psycholinguistics
Irene Frieze, Ph.D.
Emeritus Professor, Psychology
Home and Homesickness
Brian Galla, PhD
Associate Professor, Applied Developmental Psychology
Mindfulness; Mental Health; Educational Psychology; Adolescence; Emerging Adulthood
Jennifer Ganger, Ph.D.
Teaching Professor, Psychology
Language Acquisition
Ahmed Ghuman, PsyD, MBA, LPC
Avniel Ghuman, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Neurological Surgery, Neurobiology, Psychology, and Psychiatry
Computational neuroscience, Cognitive neuroscience of reading, object recognition, face perception, and social and affective perception
Peter J. Gianaros, Ph.D.
Professor, Psychology
Neurobiology of Stress; Socioeconomic Status; Cardiovascular Disease Risk
Tina R. Goldstein, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Psychiatry
Early-onset mood disorders, pediatric bipolar disorder, risk prediction and psychosocial interventions for youth mood disorders and suicidality
Martin Greenberg, Ph.D.
Professor Emeritus, Psychology
Victimization; Social Influence, Comparison & Support; Cognition & Affect
Lauren S. Hallion, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Psychology
Anxiety; Cognition-Emotion Interactions; Worry; Experimental Psychopathology
Jamie L. Hanson, PhD
Assistant Professor, Psychology
Reward & Decision Making; Development & Psychopathology; Stress & Emotion
Brant Hasler, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Psychiatry
Sleep and circadian rhythms in regulating affect and motivation
William Hawthorne, Psy.D
Teaching Assistant Professor, Psychology
Mindfulness and Health Self-Efficacy, Third Generation Cognitive-Behavioral Interventions, Socio-cultural factors in intervention and assessment.
Daphne A. Henry, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Psychology
Race/ethnicity, socioeconomic status, and academic development; Family, school, and neighborhood influences on development; Parental ethnic-racial socialization; Academic resilience
Luke Henry, PhD
Shirley Y. Hill, Ph.D.
Professor, Psychiatry
Genetics; Development; Psychological & Biological Antecedents of Alcoholism
Jennifer Hirsch
Teaching Assistant Professor, Psychology
Close relationships, emotion, and the need to belong
Richard Jennings, Ph.D.
Professor Emeritus, Psychiatry
Health Neuroscience; Brain Influences on the Heart in Health & Disease
Thomas W. Kamarck, Ph.D.
Professor, Psychology
Stress, Relationships, & Cardiovascular Health; Ecological Assessment Methods
Roger Klein, MD, PhD
William Klein, Ph.D.
Adjunct Associate Professor, Psychology
Social Psychology; Risk Perception; Decision-Making
Andrew Koffman
Professor Emeritus, Psychology
Andrew Koffmann, Ph.D.
Clinical Professor Emeritus, Psychology,
Psychotherapy Trajectory; Statistical Approaches to Assessment
Kori Krueger, PhD
Barbara Kucinski, Ph.D.
Teaching Professor, Psychology
Principles of Learning; Biopsychological Processes; Pedagogy
Valerie Kutchko
Cecile Ladouceur, Ph.D.
Tenured Professor of Psychiatry
Cynthia Lausberg, Ph.D.
Teaching Professor Emerita, Psychology
Regina Leckie, PhD
Alan Lesgold, Ph.D.
Emeritus Professor, Education
Complex Learning; Intelligent Systems; Impasses in Learning; Argumentation
John Levine, Ph.D.
Professor Emeritus, Psychology
Small Group Processes; Learning in Social Contexts; Online Social Support
Michele Levine, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Psychiatry
Weight & Smoking-Related Behavior Change During & After Pregnancy
Diana Leyva, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Psychology
Family Processes; Minority Families; Early language & Literacy; Early Math
Melissa Libertus, Ph.D.
Professor, Psychology
Educational, Developmental, Cognitive Neuroscience; Mathematical Cognition
Klaus Libertus, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Psychology
Learning; Cognitive & Motor Development; Autism Spectrum Disorders; Infancy
Emily Lindsay, Ph.D.
Research Assistant Professor
Mindfulness interventions; Acceptance; Stress; Psychoneuroimmunology
Beatriz Luna, Ph.D.
Professor, Psychiatry
Normative Neurocognitive Development from Adolescence to Adulthood
Stephen Manuck, Ph.D.
Distinguished Professor, Psychology
Cardiovascular Disease; Gene-Environment Interactions; Personality & Temperament
Marsha Marcus, Ph.D.
Professor Emerita, Psychiatry
Obesity in Adults & Children; Eating Disorder Interventions
Anna Marsland, Ph.D.
Biological & Health Program Chair, Psychology
Psychosocial Factors on Immune Function; Risk for Immune-Related Disease
Karen Matthews, Ph.D.
Professor Emerita, Psychiatry
Life Span Development & Cardiovascular Health
Donald McBurney
Professor Emeritus, Psychology
Andrea S. Medrano, PhD
Assistant Professor
Sexual Harassment; Community Violence Exposure; Parent-Adolescent Relationships; Family Processes; Latino/as
Brooke Molina, Ph.D.
Professor, Psychiatry
Disruptive Behavior & Substance Use Disorders
Judith K Morgan, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Psychiatry
Developmental Mechanisms of Risk for Affective Disorders; Multimodal imaging
James D. Morgante, PhD
Lizette Munoz Rojas, PhD
Audrey J. Murrell, Ph.D.
Associate Dean, CBA
Mentoring; Career Development; Gender; Diversity; Management; Social Identity
Sharon Nelson-Le Gall, Ph.D.
Professor Emerita, Psychology
Timothy Nokes-Malach, Ph.D.
Professor, Psychology
Knowledge Transfer; Learning & Problem Solving; Motivation
Robert B. Noll, Ph.D.
Professor Emeritus, Psychiatry
Behavioral Science; Pediatric Oncology; Children & Caregivers
Luis Perez Cortes, PhD
Charles Perfetti, Ph.D.
Director, LRDC
Reading & Language Processes; Learning; Behavioral, ERP, & Neuroimaging Methods
Kenneth Perkins, Ph.D.
Professor, Psychiatry
Effects of Nicotine & Smoking on Persistence of Dependence; Cessation Treatments
Michael F. Pogue-Geile, Ph.D.
Clinical Program Chair, Psychology
Schizophrenia; Genetics; Neuropsychology; Development
Rebecca G. Reed , Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Psychology
Psychoneuroimmunology; Aging; Stress; Emotion Regulation; Biological Aging
Lauren Resnick, Ph.D.
Distinguished University Professor Emeritus, Psychology
Learning & Development; Scientific Understanding in Children; Shared Cognition
Elizabeth Richey
Teaching Assistant Professor, Psychology
Kathryn A. Roecklein, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Psychology
Mood; Circadian Biology; Sleep; Behavioral Genetics; Seasonal Affective Disorder
Benjamin M. Rottman, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Psychology
Causal Learning & Reasoning; Experience-Based & Medical Decision Making
Wendy Rundi Guo, PhD
Michael Sayette, PhD
Distinguished Professor, Psychology
Psychological Theories of Alcohol Use & Abuse; Cigarette Craving; Social Psychological Processes in Addiction
Walter Schneider, Ph.D.
Professor, Psychology
Brain Imaging; Traumatic Brain Injury; Connectivity Mapping; Learning
Janet Schofield
Professor Emeritus, Psychology
Richard Schulz, Ph.D.
Director, UCSUR
Social Psychological Theories on Adult Development & Aging; Late Life Disease
Karina Schumann, Ph.D.
Social Program Chair, Psychology
Interpersonal Conflict Resolution; Political Conflict; Apologies; Forgiveness; Revenge; Empathy; Intellectual Humility; Religion; Morality; Wise Interventions; Misinformation; Dehumanization; Close Relationships
Christian Schunn, Ph.D.
Professor, Psychology
STEM Learning; Engagement; Peer Feedback
Daniel S. Shaw, Ph.D.
Distinguished Professor, Psychology
Child Conduct & Emotional Problems; Interventions; Gene/Environment Interactions
Saul Shiffman, Ph.D.
Professor, Psychology
Cigarette Smoking & Nicotine Dependence
Jennifer Silk, Ph.D.
Professor, Psychology
Anxiety; Depression; Childhood; Adolescence; Neurobiological & Social Influences; Suicidality & Social Media
Jennifer Steel , Ph.D.
Director, Center for Excellence in Behavioral Medicine
Psychoneuroimmunology; Chronic Illness Interventions
Mark Strauss, Ph.D.
Emeritus Professor, Psychology
Infant Development; Origins of Autism
Sybil Streeter, Ph.D.
Director of Undergraduate Advising, Psychology
Mark Thomas, PhD
Rebecca Thurston, Ph.D.
Professor, Psychiatry
Women's Health; Cardiovascular Disease; Health Disparities; Trauma
Natasha Tokowicz, Ph.D.
Professor, Psychology
Adult Second Language Learning; Bilingualism
Timothy Verstynen, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Psychology, CMU
Neuroscience of Action Planning & Skill Learning; Computational Modeling
Colin E. Vize, PhD
Research Assistant Professor, Psychology
Elizabeth Votruba-Drzal, Ph.D.
Chair and Professor, Psychology
Poverty; Race/Ethnicity; Socioeconomic Disadvantage; Urbanicity; Children
Tessa Warren, Ph.D.
Professor, Psychology
Sentence Comprehension; Syntactic, Semantic, & Referential Processing; Reading
Kristine A. Wilckens, PhD
Assistant Professor, Psychiatry
Aidan G.C. Wright, Ph.D.
Adjunct Professor, Psychology
Personality Disorders; Psychopathology; Ambulatory Assessment; Methodology


Jonathan Beuten
Systems Administrator
Amy Bittner
Undergraduate Advisor
Beth Braunsdorf
Undergraduate Advisor
Deana Eutsey
Academic Administrative Coordinator
Asmik Movsisian
Financial Assistant
Bridget O’Neill Bennett
Graduate Administrator
Marianne Page
Clinic Administrator
Bonnie Sampson
Administrative Officer
Francesca Sirianni
Graduate Administrator
Jennifer Stapel
Associate Director of Advising
Marie Taylor
Academic Operations Manager

Graduate Students

Sarah Aghjayan
Debbie Bitran
Lorraine Blatt
Mary Blendermann
Joei Camarote
Mary Y. Carson
Jorge Carvalho Pereira
Beverly Conrique
Linsah Coulanges
Kristina Dickman
Luciano Dolcini-Catania
Jermon Drake
Shirley Duong
Tracie Ebalu
William Eckerle
Elizabeth (Betsy) Edershile
Samuel Elliott
Jacob Feldman
Julia Feldman
Rachel Forster
Danielle Fox
Julia Gajewski-Nemes
Madeline Goodwin
Melanie Grad-Freilich
Angela Griffo
Rae Harrison
Abby Hillmann
Daniesha Hunter-Rue
Emily Hutchinson
Nabila Jamal-Orozco
Sara Jaramillo
Riley Jouppi
Isabella Kahhale
Quentin King-Shepard
Alison Klevens
Jonah Andrew Koetke
Daniel Labrousse
Carly Lenniger
Alina Lesnovskaya
Geoffrey Lizar
Justin Ludwig
Jessica Macaluso
Annie Maheux
Maya Martinko
Rebecca McGregor
Kirsten McKone
Courtney Medina
Riya Mirchandaney
Brianna Natale
Emily O'Brien
Esther Palacios-Barrios
Avital Pelakh
Maria Perica
Samantha Plate
Tamara Podvysotska
Chelsea Ptak
Orma Ravindranath
Caroline Ren
Whitney Ringwald
Hayley Ripperger
Savannah Roberts
Sonia Rowley
Petra Rupert
Sriparna Sen
Kirby Sigler
Emanuelle Silva-Chelles
Chrystal Spencer
Claire Stout (she/her)
Maddie Taylor
Giana Teresi
Victoria Tkacikova
Andrea Tovar
Lauren Watford
Delainey Wescott
Kendra Whitfield
William (Will) Woods