Jeffrey Cohn PhD

Professor Emeritus, Psychology


Director, Principal Investigator: Jeffrey F. Cohn, Ph.D.

Location: 4322 Sennott Square


  • MAPS: Mobile Assessment for the Prediction of Suicide. National Institute of Mental Health.
  • Adaptive DBS in Non-Motor Neuropsychiatric Disorders: Regulating Limbic Circuit Imbalance. National Institutes of Health.
  • Deep Brain Stimulation for Depression Using Directional Current Steering and Individualized Network Targeting. National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke.
  • Improving the Specificity of Affective Computing via Multimodel Analysis. Australian Research Council.
  • Fast, Reliable, Electrical Unconscious Detection (FREUD). Department of Defense
  • Mapping and Modulating the Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Socio-Affective Processing. National Institutes of Health.
  • Automatic Multimodal Affect Detection for Research and Clinical Use. National Institute of Mental Health.


Graduate Student Advisees

Maneesh Bilalpur (ISP)

    Education & Training

  • PhD, University of Massachusetts
Recent Publications

Representative Publications

Ahn, Y. A., Ertuğrul, I. Ö., Chow, S.-M., Cohn, J. F., & Messinger, D. S. (2024). How still? Parent-infant interaction during the still-face and later infant attachment. Infant Behavior & Development.

Auerbach, R. P., Lan, R., Galfalvy, H., Alqueza, K., Cohn, J. F., Crowley, R., Durham, K., Good, K., Kahn, L., Kamath, R., Morency, L.-P., Porta, G., Zelazny, J., Brent, D. A., & Allen, N. B. (2023). Intensive longitudinal assessment of adolescents to predict suicidal thoughts and behaviors. Journal of the American Academy of Child And Adolescent Psychiatry.

Bilalpur, M., Hinduja, S., Cariola, L., Sheeber, L., Allen, N., Morency, L.-P., Jeni, L. A., & Cohn, J. F. (2023). Detecting history of depression in mother-adolescent child interaction from multimodal feature selection. IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition.

Cohn, J. F., Cummins, N., Epps, J., Goecke, R., Joshi, J., & Scherer, S. (2019). Multimodal assessment of depression and related disorders based on behavioral signals. In Handbook of multi-modal multi-sensor interfaces:  Signal processing, architectures, and detection of emotion and cognition (Vol. 2, pp. 375-418). Morgan and Claypool.

Ertugrul, I. O., Ahn, Y. A., Bilalpur, M., Messinger, D. S., Speltz, M. L., & Cohn, J. F. (2022). Infant AFAR: Automated facial action recognition in infants. Behavior Research Methods, 55, 10241035.

Hinduja, S., Darzi, A., Ertugral, I. O., Provenza, N., Gadot, R., Storch, E. A., Sheth, S., Goodman, W. K., & Cohn, J. F. (2024, in press). Multimodal prediction of obsessive-compulsive disorder, comorbid depression, and energy of deep brain stimulation. IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing. 

Provenza, N., Rijn, E. D.-v., Swamy, C. P., Huy Dang1, S. R., Nabeel Diab1, L. J., Hinduja, S., Avendano-Ortega, M., Mckay, S. A., Vogt, G. S., Roarr, B., Wiese, A., Shofty, B., Herron, J., Bijanki, K., Storch, E., Cohn, J., Ince, N., Borton, D., Goodman, W., & Sheth, S. (2023). Chronic ecological assessment of intracranial neural activity synchronized to disease-relevant behaviors in obsessive-compulsive disorder. Biological Psychiatry: Plenary and Symposium Abstracts, 93, S8.

Swartz, H. A., Bylsma, L. M., Fournier, J. C., Cohn, J. F., Girard, J. M., Spotts, C., & Morency, L.P. (2023). Randomized trial of brief interpersonal psychotherapy and cognitive behavioral therapy for depression delivered both in-person and by telehealth. Journal of Affective Disorders, 333:543-552.