Daniel S. Shaw PhD

Full Distinguished Professor


  • Parents and Children Laboratory. Studies of parent-child interaction and intervention effectiveness and efficacy including both basic and intervention research on young children at risk for conduct problems and/or emotional problems.
  • Center for Parents and Children. Collaborating with community-based agencies serving young children and families to implement evidence-based interventions, such as the Family Check-Up and PlayReadVIP; facilitating Pitt faculty interested in testing their basic research with low-income community samples; facilitating Pitt faculty interested in developing preventive interventions and testing them with community samples. 

Graduate Student Advisees:

  • Callie Benson-Williams
  • Luciano Dolcini-Catania
  • Julia Gajewski-Nemes
  • Sonia Rowley
  • Sam Seaver
  • Kendra Whitfield

    Education & Training

  • PhD, University of Virginia
  • Recipient, Provost’s Award for Excellence in Doctoral Mentoring, University of Pittsburgh, 2023
  • Fellow, American Psychological Association, Division 7, Developmental Psychology, 2023-
  • Fellow, Society for Prevention Research, 2020-
  • Robert B. Cairns Award for Contributions to Developmental Science, Carolina Consortium on Human Development, University of North Carolina, 2015
  • Friend of Early Career Preventionist Network Award, Society for Prevention Research (2011)
  • Research Scientist Award (K2), National Institute of Mental Health (1999-2009)
  • Senior Research Scientist Award (K5), National Institute on Drug Abuse (2009-2014)
  • Fellow, American Psychological Association, Division 53, Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology
  • Fellow, Association for Psychological Science
  • Recipient, Boyd R. McCandless Young Scientist Award, Division 7 (Developmental), American Psychological Association (1995)
Recent Publications

Shaw, D. S., Mendelsohn, A. L., Morris-Perez, P. A., & Weaver Krug, C. (2024). Integrating equifinality and multifinality into the prevention programs in early childhood: The conceptual case for the use of tiered models. Development and Psychopathology. https://doi.org/10.1017/S095457942400021X

Shaw, D. S., & Wilson, M. N. (2021). Taking a motivational interviewing approach to prevention science: Progress and extensions. Prevention Science. 22, 826-830. https://doi.10.10007/s11121-021-01269-w

Shaw, D. S., Galán, C., Lemery-Chalfant, K., Dishion, T. J., Elam, K. K., Wilson, M. N., & Gardner , F. (2019).  Early predictors of children’s early-starting conduct problems: Child, family, genetic, and intervention effects. Development and Psychopathology, 31, 1911-1921. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0954579419000828

Shaw, D. S., & Taraban, L. E. (2017). New directions and challenges in preventing conduct problems in early childhood. Child Development Perspectives, 11, 85-89.

Sitnick, S. Shaw, D. S., Weaver, C., Shelleby, E. C., Choe, D. E., Reuben, J., Gilliam, M., Winslow, E. B., & Taraban, L. (2017). Early childhood predictors of extreme youth violence. Child Development, 88, 27-40.

Shaw, D. S., Sitnick, S., Brennan, L. M., Choe, D. E., Dishion, T. J., Wilson, M. N., & Gardner, F. (2016).  The long-term effectiveness of the Family Check-Up on school-age conduct problems: Moderation by neighborhood deprivation. Development and Psychopathology, 28, 1471-1487.

Shaw, D. S., & Shelleby, E. C. (2014). Early-onset conduct problems: Intersection of conduct problems and poverty. Annual Review of Clinical Psychology, 10, 503-528

Shaw, D. S., Hyde, L. W., & Brennan, L. M. Early predictors of boys’ antisocial trajectories (2012). Development and Psychopathology, 24, 871-888.

Shaw, D. S., Dishion, T. J., Connell, A., Wilson, M. N., & Gardner, F. (2009). Improvements in maternal depression as a mediator of intervention effects on early child problem behavior. Development and Psychopathology, 21, 417-439.

Shaw, D.S., Gilliom, M., Ingoldsby, E.M., & Nagin, D (2003). Trajectories leading to school-age conduct problems. Developmental Psychology, 39, 189-200.

Shaw, D.S., Bell, R.Q., & Gilliom, M. (2000). A truly early starter model of antisocial behavior revisited. Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review.

Research Interests

Development and prevention of early child conduct and emotional problems, development and dissemination of family-centered interventions for treating conduct problems and promoting school readiness in early childhood, use of novel community platforms for implementing preventive interventions in early childhood.