Andrea S. Medrano PhD

Assistant Professor

Graduate Student Advisees: 

  • Sydni Davila 

    Education & Training

  • Ph.D., University of Michigan
  • Grand Challenges for Social Work Doctoral Award, The New York Community Trust (2023)
  • Ford Foundation Pre-doctoral Fellowship (2020)
  • Latin American and Caribbean Studies Field Research Grant, University of Michigan (2020)
  • Rackham Merit Fellowship, University of Michigan (2017-2023)
Recent Publications

Mora, A. S., LoDuca, K. M., & Ceballo, R. (2023). Adolescents in the community: Extracurricular activities and sexual harassment. Journal of Youth and Adolescence. 

Mora, A. S., Muñoz-Velázquez, J., Alers-Rojas, F., Ceballo, R., & Cranford, J. A. (2023). Understanding Latina/o adolescents’ intersectional experiences of discrimination. Journal of Latinx Psychology. Advance online publication.

Ceballo, R., Alers-Rojas, F., Mora, A. S., & Cranford, J. A. (2022). Exposure to community violence: Toward a more expansive definition and approach to research. Child Development Perspectives, 16(2), 96–102.

Mora, A. S., Greer, C. D., Hunter, J., & Gutierrez, L. (2022). Social work faculty attitudes towards diversity and oppression content in the MSW curricula. Social Work Education, 1–18.

Mora, A. S., Ceballo, R., & Cranford, J. (2022). Latino/a adolescents facing neighborhood dangers: An examination of community violence and gender-based harassment. American Journal of Community Psychology, 69(1–2), 18–32.

Ceballo, R., Alers-Rojas, F., Montoro, J. P., & Mora, A. S. (2020). Contextual stressors and the role of religion and spirituality in the mental health of Latino/a immigrant parents and youth. In G. C. Nagayama Hall & E. R. Huang (Eds.), Mental and behavioral health of immigrants in the United States. Academic Press, Elsevier.

Research Interests

My program of research focuses on contextual aspects of neighborhoods—such as exposure to community violence and sexual harassment— and their influence on adolescents’ psychological and academic functioning. I use a resilience framework and strengths-based perspective to identify individual-, family-, neighborhood-, and cultural-level protective factors that can buffer adolescents from negative outcomes. My work focuses on Latino/a/x adolescents and their parents both in the U.S. and in Mexico, and increasingly, in the intersection of multiple marginalized identities. To study adolescent development, I use diverse methodological approaches, including cross-sectional and longitudinal statistical analyses, qualitative, and mixed-method approaches.

Graduate Student Advisee: Sydni A. Davila

Accepting Graduate Students