Anna Marsland PhD

Full Professor

Graduate Student Advisees

  • Maya Martinko
  • Abigail Shell 

    Education & Training

  • PhD, University of Pittsburgh
Recent Publications

Marsland, A.L., Petersen, K.L., Sathanoori, R., Flory, J.D., Muldoon, M.F., Neumann, S.A., & Manuck, S.B. Interleukin-6 covaries inversely with cognitive performance among middle-aged community volunteers. Psychosomatic Medicine; 2006 68:895-903

Marsland, A.L., Cohen, S., Rabin, B.S., & Manuck, S.B. Positive affect and antibody response to hepatitis B vaccination. Brain, Behavior and Immunity; 2006 20:261-269.

Marsland, A.L., Prather, A.A.*, Petersen, K.L.*, Cohen, S., & Manuck, S.B. Antagonistic Characteristics are Positively Associated with Inflammatory Markers Independently of Trait Negative Emotionality. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity. 2008 22:753-61.

Marsland, A.L., Gianaros, P.J., Abramowitch, S.M., Manuck, S.B., & Hariri, A.R. Interleukin-6 covaries inversely with hippocampal grey matter volume in middle-aged adults. Biological Psychiatry 2008 64:484-490.

Prather, A.A.*, Carroll, J.E.*, Fury, J.M., McDade, K.K., Ross, D., & Marsland, A.L. (2009). Gender differences in stimulated cytokine production following acute psychological stress. Brain Behav Immun. 2009 Jul;23(5):622-8. doi: 10.1016/j.bbi.2008.11.004. Epub 2008 Dec 6.

John-Henderson, N.A., Marsland, A.L., Kamarck, T., Muldoon, M.F., & Manuck, S.B. (2016). Childhood SES and the Occurrence of Recent Negative Life Events as Predictors of Circulating and Stimulated Levels of Interleukin-6. Psychosomatic Medicine. 78:91-101.

Gianaros, P.J., Kuan, D. C-H, Marsland, A.L., Sheu, L.K., Hackman, D.A., Miller, K.G., Manuck, S.B. (2017) Community socioeconomic disadvantage in midlife relates to cortical morphology via neuroendocrine and cardiometabolic pathways. Cerebral Cortex. 27:460-73.

Han, Y.Y., Forno, E., Marsland, AL., Miller, G.E., & Celedon, J. (2016). Depression, asthma and bronchodilator response in a nationwide study of U.S. adults. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. 4:68-73.

Melhem, N., Munroe, S., Marsland, A. Krajina, K., Brent, D., Douaihy, A., DiPietro, F., Diller, R., Driscoll, H. (in press). Biomarkers in the HPA axis and inflammatory pathways for suicidal behavior in youth. Psychoneuroendocrinology.

Miller, K.*, Wright, A,G, Peterson, L.M., Kamarck, T,W, Anderson, B.A., Kirschbaum, C., Marsland, A.L., Muldoon, M.F., Manuck, S.B. (2016) Trait Emotionality and Cortisol. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 68:177-85.

Creswell JD, Taren AA, Lindsay EK, Greco CM, Gianaros PJ, Fairgrieve A, Marsland AL, Brown KW, Way BM, Rosen RK, Ferris JL. (2016). Alterations in Resting State Functional Connectivity link Mindfulness Meditation with Reduced Interleukin-6. Biological Psychiatry 80:53-61.

Sherwood PR, Price TJ, Weimer J, Ren D, Donovan HS, Given CW, Given BA, Schulz R, Prince J, Bender C, Boele FW, Marsland AL. (2016) Neuro-oncology family caregivers are at risk for systemic inflammation. Journal of Neurooncology. 128:109-118.

Lockwood, K.G., Marsland A.L., Cohen, S., Gianaros, PJ. (2016). Sex differences in the association between stressor0evokedinterleukin-6 reactivity and C-reactive protein. Brain, Behavior and Immunity 58:173-180.

Bajaj, A., John-Henderson, N.A., Cundiff, J.M., Marsland, A.L., Manuck, S.B. Kamarck, T.W. (2016). Daily social interactions, close relationships, and systemic inflammation in two samples: Healthy middle aged and older adults. Brain, Behavior and Immunity 58: 152-164.

Jakubowski, K.*, Marsland, A.L., Hall, M., Matthews, K.A. (2016). Is daytime napping associated with inflammation in adolescents? Health Psychology 35:1298-1306.

Marsland, A.L., Kuan D.C-H., Sheu, L.K., Krajina, K., Kraynak, T.E., Manuck, S.B., Gianaros, P.J. (in press). Systemic inflammation and resting state connectivity of the default mode network.Brain, Behavior and Immunity.

Taren, A., Gianaros, P.J., Greco, C.M., Lindsay, E., Fairgrieve, A., Brown, K.W., Rosen, R., Ferris, J., Julson, E., Marsland, A.L. Creswell, D. (In press). Mindfulness meditation training and executive control network resting state functional connectivity: A randomized controlled trial. Psychosomatic Medicine.

Marsland A. L., Walsh, C., Lockwood, K., John-Henderson, N.A. (In press), The effects of acute psychological stress on circulating and stimulated inflammatory markers: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Brain, Behavior and immunity.

Stillman, C.M., Weinstein, A.M., Marsland, A.L., Gianaros, P.J., Erickson, K.I (In press). Body-brain connections: The effects of obesity and behavioral interventions on neurocognitive aging. Frontiers of Aging Neuroscience.

Oberlin, L., Waiwood, A., Cumming, T., Marsland, A.L., Bernhardt, J., Erickson, K. (in press). Effects of physical activity on post-stroke cognitive function: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Stroke.

Research Interests

(1) Psychoneuroimmunology - human immune responses to acute and chronic stress and implications for disease processes; (2) psychological processes and the onset and course of asthma; (3) the impact of inflammatory processes on age-related cognitive decline

Accepting Graduate Students