Bassell Publication Award
Awarded annually by the Clinical Psychology Program for the best first author publication in the previous academic year.
Bassell Student Award
Awarded annually by the Clinical Psychology Program to a student prior to leaving on internship and recognizes outstanding academic achievement in the program and promise for future accomplishments.
Graduate Student Diversity Book Scholarship
The goals of the scholarship are to support a diverse student community and to promote diversity-related research within these departments. Based on the number of applications, roughly half of the scholarships will be awarded to students from underrepresented groups regardless of their area of research, and half will be awarded to students whose research concerns mind, behavior, or well-being of individuals from underrepresented groups. For the purposes of such awards, underrepresented groups include those who have been traditionally underrepresented in the psychological and learning sciences, e.g., racial or ethnic minorities, sexual minorities, individuals with physical disabilities, first-generation college students, or international students.
Up to four annual scholarships of $250 each will be awarded to Psychology Department or LRDC-affiliated graduate students by the Psychology Department and the Learning Research and Development Center (LRDC) to support the purchase of professional books related to students¹ research and coursework.
E.B. Huey Award
Established by Don Routh, PhD, an alumnus of the program and former Director of the Clinical Psychology Program at the University of Miami, in gratitude for the excellence of his graduate education in clinical psychology at the University of Pittsburgh. The award providesa maximum of $1,000 to be used for master's thesis (approved proposal required), dissertation (approved proposal required), or other research project expenses, including professional travel.
Proposals for amounts less than $1,000 are encouraged. Proposals will be reviewed by clinical program faculty based on criteria of merit and need.
A. David Lazovik Award
Established by Grace Lazovick, Ph.D., Emeritus Faculty Member, in memory of her husband, David Lazovik, Ph.D., who was one of the founders of the Clinical Psychology Program and was Chair of the Department of Psychology from 1974 to 1080. Each award provides $1,000 to be used for master's thesis, dissertation, or other research project expenses, including professional travel.
Proposals will be reviewed by clinical program faculty based on criteria of merit and need.
M. Moskowitz Teaching Award
Award made each spring term by faculty jury appointed by the departmental chair. The candidate must have taught at least one lecture course as the primary or sole instructor and must submit a teaching portfolio to the jury. The award amount is approximately $500.
The Dr. Ruth L. Myers Memorial Award
Research Excellence Award ($500) is conferred for an outstanding research project being conducted by a graduate student, either proposed or ongoing.
Mentoring excellence award ($500) is conferred for a graduate student who has distinguished him- or herself as an outstanding mentor of undergraduate students in the lab or the classroom.
Tim Post Award
Awarded to a graduate student in Learning, Developmental, or Cognitive Psychology for a highly significant research project. The award of approximately $500 and is to be used to firther the stduent's professional development.
Martica Hall Biological and Health PsychologyStudent Achievement Award
Awarded annually to a student in the Biological and Health Psychology Program to recognize outstanding student achievement in the program and promise for future accomplishments. Selection criteria are based upon quantity and quality of scholarship contributions; evidence of exceptional accomplishments, such as attainment of fellowships, grants, awards, and other recognitions; and outstanding citizenship and service to the program and to the larger scientific community. Eligible nominees for this award are considered by program faculty from among the graduating class (those who have completed all course requirements for their doctoral degree, and have also completed their dissertation proposal).