CAMeL (Community for Advanced Methodological Learning)
What is CAMeL: CAMeL is a student-run group based in the Pitt Psychology department, in collaboration with CMU Psychology, focused on broadening and deepening our knowledge about advanced quantitative methodology.
Who is CAMeL: We encourage scholars of all levels (including students, post-docs, staff, and faculty) and departments to join and contribute as often as desired.
Contact: Please feel free to contact the student organizers or faculty mentors below with any questions or to be added to the listserv. If you have an area of methodological interest or expertise on which you’d like to present, we’d love to hear from you!
Student Organizers
Abby Hillmann:
Kirby Sigler:
Fiona Horner:
Asal Yunusova:
Faculty Mentors
Rebecca Reed, PhD: