Students can formalize cross-training that combines any two of our core programs. Students who pursue Clinical-Developmental or Clinical-Health cross-training follow the procedures associated with these established joint programs. Students who pursue other forms of cross-training (e.g., Cognitive-Development, Social-Health) obtain approval through an individualized approval process.
As the first step, an interested student must be admitted into a departmental core program. For cross-training involving the Clinical Program the student must enter graduate training with admission into the Clinical program.
Next, the student obtains approval from each relevant Program Chair and their primary research mentor. As part of the approval process, the student develops a cross-training plan that (a) describes the rationale for cross-training, (b) outlines the coursework that will satisfy the requirements of both programs, and (c) details the student's plans for cross-cutting research experiences and coursework.
Students can seek approval for cross-training prior to accepting an offer of admission or after commencement of training.