FAQs about the Minor in Quantitative Methodology

Who can enroll in the minor?– Graduate students in psychology. 

Can students pursuing a double specialization (e.g., clinical-health, developmental-clinical) or the CNBC certificate pursue the minor?– Yes. In theory. However, admission into the minor track requires approval from one’s major advisor. Not everyone can be a specialist in everything, and we encourage thoughtful consideration of the demands and opportunity costs of each credential with one’s advisor. 

How many credits does it require?– At least 16 (6 for intro stats sequence in dept, 9 for additional 3 courses, 1 for CAMeL)

What else does it require beyond course work?– Two things. 1. Participating in the Community for Advanced Methodological Learning (CAMeL) for one semester, which includes attending the presentations and giving one presentation. 2. One student led project, either milestone or otherwise, must include an advanced quantitative method presented with sufficient clarity and thoroughness that it would pass in a publication. 

Is there a specific set of advanced courses that are required for the minor?– No. The goal is to let students tailor the curriculum to their specialty’s needs. 

Must the advanced courses be taught in psychology?– No. Any course that provides training in advanced quantitative methods could potentially count, regardless of the department, school, or university that is offering it. 

Can workshops count instead of an official course?– No. Workshops, although useful and necessary at times, do not offer the same depth and breadth of instruction as a full graduate course. 

Must someone from the Quantitative Minor review committee sit on my milestone committee or be a co-author of my independent project? –No. They can independently evaluate a project for consistency with the advanced technique criterion. 

What counts as an “advanced technique” for the independent project?– Any number of techniques would count. As a general heuristic, anything that extends beyond the basic general linear model that you learn about in your intro stats sequence would be game. The criterion is not how complicated, difficult, or esoteric the technique is, but rather thoughtful selection and implementation of a technique that is appropriate to the theory being tested and the available data.