Charles Perfetti, Ph.D.

  • Director, LRDC
  • University Distinguished Professor


Reading and Language Laboratories

Graduate Student Advisees:

  • Geoffrey Lizar 
  • Weiqi Wang

Education & Training

  • PhD, University of Michigan

Research Interest Summary

Reading & Language Processes; Learning; Behavioral, ERP, & Neuroimaging Methods

Research Interests

Representative Publications

Perfetti, C. A., Liu, Y., Fiez, J., & Tan, L-H. (in press). The neural bases of reading: The accommodation of the brains reading network to writing systems. In P. Cornelissen, M. Kringelbach, & P. Hansen (Eds.), The neural basis of reading. Oxford University Press.

Perfetti, C. A., Wlotko, E. W., & Hart, L. A. (2005). Word learning and individual differences in word learning reflected in Event-Related Potentials. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning Memory and Cognition, 31(6), 1281-1292.

Yang, C. L., Perfetti, C. A., & Schmalhofer, F. (2005). Less skilled comprehenders ERPs show sluggish word-to-text integration processes. Written Language & Literacy, 8(2), 233-257.

Goldberg, R.F., Perfetti, C.A., Schneider, W. (2006). Distinct and common cortical activations for multimodal semantic categories. Cognitive, Affective, and Behavioral Neuroscience, 6(3),214-222.

Perfetti, C.A., Landi, N., & Oakhill, J. (2005). The acquisition of reading comprehension skill. In M.J. Snowling and C. Hulme (Eds.), The Science of Reading: A Handbook (pp.227-247). Oxford: Blackwell.

Nelson, J.R., Liu, Y., Fiez, J., & Perfetti, C.A. (2009). Assimilation and accommodation patterns in ventral occipitotemporal cortex in learning a second writing system. Human Brain Mapping, 30, 810-820.

Liu, Y., Dunlap, S., Fiez, J., & Perfetti, C. (2007) Evidence for neural accommodation to a writing system following learning. Human Brain Mapping, 28, 1223-1234.

Accepting Graduate Students

