Stephen Manuck, Ph.D.

  • Emeritus Distinguished Professor, Psychology

Graduate Student Advisees

  • Karissa Miller
  • Patricia Wong

Education & Training

  • PhD, Vanderbilt University

Research Interest Summary

Cardiovascular Disease; Gene-Environment Interactions; Personality & Temperament

Research Interests

Representative Publications

Forbes EE, Ryan ND, Phillips ML, Manuck SB, Worthman CM, Moyles DL, Tarr JA, Sciarrillo SR, Dahl RE. Healthy adolescents' neural response to reward:associations with puberty, positive affect, and depressive symptoms. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2010 Feb;49(2):162-72.e1-5.

Manuck, S.B., Flory, J.D., McCaffery, J.M., Matthews, K.A.Mann, J.J., & Muldoon, M.F. (1998) Aggression, impulsivity, and central nervous system serotonergic responsivity in a nonpatient sample. Neuropsychopharmacology 19; 287-299

Jennings, J.R., Muldoon, M.F., Hall, M., Buysse, D.J., & Manuck, S.B. (2007). Self-reported sleep quality is associated with the metabolic syndrome. Sleep, 30(2), 219-223.

Gianaros PJ, Horenstein JA, Hariri AR, Sheu LK, Manuck SB, Matthews KA, & Cohen S. (2008). Potential neural embedding of parental social standing. Social Cognitive & Affective Neuroscience, 3, 91-96.

Gianaros PJ, Matthews KA, Jennings JR, Sheu LK, Manuck SB, & Hariri AR (2008). Individual differences in stressor-evoked blood pressure reactivity vary activation, volume, and functional connectivity of the amygdala. Journal of Neuroscience, 28, 990-999.

Gianaros PJ, Horenstein JA, Cohen S, Matthews KA, Brown SM, Flory JD, Critchley HD, Manuck SB, & Hariri AR (2007). Perigenual anterior cingulate morphology covaries with perceived social standing. Social Cognitive & Affective Neuroscience, 2, 161-173.

Marsland, A.L., Gianaros, P.J., Abramowitch, S.M., Manuck, S.B., & Hariri, A.R. Interleukin-6 covaries inversely with hippocampal grey matter volume in middle-aged adults. Biological Psychiatry 2008 64:484-490.

Manuck, S.B., Phillips, J.E., Gianaros, P.J., Flory, J.D., & Muldoon, M.F. (in press). (2010). Subjective socioeconomic status and presence of the metabolic syndrome in midlife community volunteers. Psychosomatic Medicine.

Halder, I., Marsland, A.L., Cheong, J., Muldoon, M.F., Ferrell, R.E., & Manuck, S.B. (in press). Polymorphisms in the CRP gene moderate an association between depressive symptoms and circulating levels of C-reactive protein. Brain, Behavior and Immunity 2009 Sept 29 [Epub ahead of print]

Marsland, A.L., Prather, A.A.*, Petersen, K.L.*, Cohen, S., & Manuck, S.B. Antagonistic Characteristics are Positively Associated with Inflammatory Markers Independently of Trait Negative Emotionality. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity. 2008 22:753-61.

Marsland, A.L., Petersen, K.L., Sathanoori, R., Flory, J.D., Muldoon, M.F., Neumann, S.A., & Manuck, S.B. Interleukin-6 covaries inversely with cognitive performance among middle-aged community volunteers. Psychosomatic Medicine; 2006 68:895-903

Marsland, A.L., Cohen, S., Rabin, B.S., & Manuck, S.B. Positive affect and antibody response to hepatitis B vaccination. Brain, Behavior and Immunity; 2006 20:261-269.

Manuck, S.B., Marsland, A.L., Flory, J.D., Gorka, A., Ferrell, R.E., & Hariri, A.R. (in press). Salivary testosterone and a trinucleotide (CAG) length polymorphism in the androgen receptor gene predict amygdala reactivity in men. Psychoneuroendocrinology 2009 Jun 1 [Epub ahead of print]

Manuck, S.B., Brown, S.M., Forbes, E.E., & Hariri, A.R. (2007). Temporal stability of individual differences in amygdala reactivity. American Journal of Psychiatry, 164, 1613-1614.

Manuck, S.B., Bleil, M.E., Petersen, K.L., Flory, J.D., Mann, J.J., Ferrell, R.E., & Muldoon, M.F. (2005). The socio-economic status of communities predicts variation in brain serotonergic responsivity. Psychological Medicine, 35, 519-528.

Manuck, S.B., Kaplan, J.R., & Lotrich, F.E. (2006). Brain serotonin and aggressive disposition in humans and nonhuman primates. In R.J. Nelson (Ed.), Biology of aggression (pp. 65-113). New York, Oxford University Press.

Hariri, A.R., Brown, S.M., Williamson, D.E., Flory, J.D., de Wit, H., & Manuck, S.B. (2006). Preference for immediate over delayed rewards is associated with magnitude of ventral striatal activity. Journal of Neuroscience, 26, 13213-13217.

Kaplan, J.R., & Manuck, S.B. (2008). Ovarian dysfunction and the premenopausal origins of coronary heart disease. Menopause, 15, 768-776.

Manuck, S.B., Flory, J.D., Ferrell, R.E., Dent, K.M., Mann, J.J., & Muldoon , M.F. (1999) Aggression and anger-related traits associated with a polymorphism of the tryptophan hydrocylase gene. Biological Psychiatry 45; 603-614.

Kaplan, J.R., & Manuck, S.B. (1999) Status, stress, and atherosclerosis: The role of environment and individual behavior. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 896; 145-161.

Hall M, Muldoon MF, Jennings JR, Buysse DJ, Flory JD, Manuck SB. Self-reported Sleep Duration is Associated with the Metabolic Syndrome in Mid-life Adults. Sleep, 31(5):635-643, 2008.

Gianaros, P.J., Manuck, S.B., Sheu, L.K., Kuan, D.C., Votruba-Drzal, E., Craig, A.E., Hariri, A.R. (2011). Parental education predicts corticostriatal functionality in adulthood. Cerebral Cortex, 21, 896-910.

Gianaros, P.J., & Manuck, S.B. (2010) Neurobiological pathways linking socioeconomic position and health. Psychosomatic Medicine, 72, 450-461.

Gianaros, P.J., Hariri, A.R., Sheu, L.K., Muldoon, M.F., Sutton-Tyrrell, K., & Manuck, S.B. (2009). Preclinical atherosclerosis covaries with individual differences in reactivity and functional connectivity of the amygdala. Biological Psychiatry, 65, 943-950.

Kamarck, T.W., Muldoon, M.F., Manuck, S.B., Haskett, R.F., Cheong, J., Flory, J.D. & Vella, E. (2011) Citalopram improves metabolic risk factors among high hostile adults: Results of a placebo-controlled intervention. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 36, 1070-1079.

Kamarck TW, Haskett RF, Muldoon M, Flory JD, Anderson B, Bies R, Pollock B & Manuck SB. Citalopram intervention for hostility: Results of a randomized clinical trial. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 77, 174-188, 2009.

Creswell, K.G., Sayette, M.A., Manuck, S.B., Ferrell, R.E., Hill, S.Y.& Dimoff, J.D. (2012). DRD4 Polymorphism Moderates the Effect of Alcohol Consumption on Social Bonding. PLoS ONE, 7(2) e29814, 1-9.

Roecklein, K.A., Wong, P.M., Miller, M.A., Franzen, P.L., Ferrell, B.A., Manuck, S.B. (2012, in press). Melanopsin gene variations interact with season to predict sleep timing and chronotype. Chronobiology International.

Accepting Graduate Students

