Melissa Libertus, Ph.D.

  • Professor, Psychology

Graduate Student Advisees

  • Yesenia Arevalo Jaimes
  • Jorge Carvalho Pereira
  • Danielle Fox 

Education & Training

  • PhD, Duke University

Research Interest Summary

Educational, Developmental, Cognitive Neuroscience; Mathematical Cognition

Research Interests

Representative Publications

Navarro, M., Braham, E., Libertus, M. (2018). Intergenerational associations of the approximate number system in toddlers and their parents. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 36(4), 521-539.

Braham, E., Libertus, M., McCrink, K. (2018). Increasing Children’s Spontaneous Focus on Number through Guided Parent-Child Interactions in a Children’s Museum. Developmental Psychology, 54(8), 1492-1498.

Braham, E., Libertus, M. (2018). When Approximate Number Acuity Predicts Math Performance: The Moderating Role of Math Anxiety. PLoS One, 13(5), e0195696.    

Liu, R., Schunn, C., Fiez, J., Libertus, M. (2018). The integration between non-symbolic and symbolic numbers: Evidence from an EEG study. Brain and Behavior, 8, e00938.    

Elliott, L., Braham, E., Libertus, M. (2017). Understanding Sources of Individual Variability in Parents’ Number Talk with Young Children. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 159, 1-15. 

Libertus, M., Brannon, E. (2009). Behavioral and neural basis of number sense in infancy. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 18(6), 346-351.

Libertus, M., Woldorff, M., Brannon, E. (2007). Electrophysiological evidence for notation independence in numerical processing. Behavioral and Brain Functions, 3(1).

Libertus, M., Brannon, E., Pelphrey, K. (2009). Developmental changes in category-specific brain responses to numbers and letters in a working memory task. Neuroimage, 44(4), 1404-1414.

Libertus, M., Pruitt, L., Woldorff, M., Brannon, E. (2009). Induced alpha-band oscillations reflect ratio-dependent number discrimination in the infant brain. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 21(12), 2398-2406.

2009 Libertus, M., Brannon, E. (2009). Behavioral and neural basis of number sense in infancy. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 18(6), 346-351.

Libertus, M., Brannon, E. (2010). Stable individual differences in number discrimination in infancy. Developmental Science, 13(6), 900-906.

Libertus, M., Brannon, E., Woldorff, M. (2011). Parallels in stimulus-driven oscillatory brain responses to numerical changes in adults and seven-month-old infants. Developmental Neuropsychology, 36(6), 651-667.

Libertus, M., Feigenson, L., Halberda, J. (2011). Preschool acuity of the approximate number system correlates with school math ability. Developmental Science, 14(6), 1292-1300.

Accepting Graduate Students

