There are different reasons that you might need a permission number to enroll in a course. Please see what to do based the four potential reasons below.
Reason 1: closed, requisites not met, consent required, career restriction
- Do you need a permission number because the class is closed, the class has requisites that you have not met, departmental consent is required, or because of a career restriction?
- In these cases, you can only enroll if you ask the instructor and they approve your request. Email the instructor and ask them if they will give you permission to enroll.
- Tell them that to get a permission number you need an email with the following information:
- the name, number, and 5-digit peoplesoft number of the psychology course (e.g., Psychopathyology, PSY 0205, 12114)
- your full name and Peoplesoft number
- the reason for the permission number consent (e.g., closed class, prerequisite override, etc.)
- Once you have the email, fill out this form and upload the email from the instructor
- Tell them that to get a permission number you need an email with the following information:
Reason 2: AP scores or transfer credit
- Do you need a permission number because you have AP scores and/or you need to transfer credit for pre-requisite courses from another university, and these have not yet posted to your Pitt record.
- Get your AP report or transcript and then fill out this form.
Reason 3: 1900, 1903, 1907, or 1970
- Are you trying to enroll in PSY 1900, 1903, 1907, or 1970?
- Instructions for enrollment are on the websites for each of these courses, respectively.
Reason 4: CGS post-bac or guest student
- Are you a CGS post-bac or guest student?
- If you have taken a pre-requisite (PSY 0010 Intro to Psychology) at another institution you will need to provide a copy of your transcript. We do NOT have access to the transcripts you submit to CGS. If you are not able to provide us with a copy of your transcript (through either method listed above) you will need to obtain permission from the instructor to waive the pre-requisite.