Directed Reading (PSY 1902) is intended for students wishing to study an area not covered by or regularly offered in an existing course.
- Overall GPA of 3.0 or higher
- Completion of relevant coursework based on topic
- Permission of faculty sponsor
Credit Options
Credits are determined by the number of hours spent and should be discussed with the faculty sponsor.
- 1 credit = 55 hours
- 2 credits = 85 hours
- 3 credits = 120 hours
- You cannot take more than 3 credits in one term
Additional rules about credits:
- Students may use 3 credits of PSY 1902 to fulfill one of the psychology degree course requirements.
- The PSY 1902 experience must be non-paid.
- If more than 3 credits of PSY 1902 are earned across semesters, these will count as elective credits.
- Only 12 credits of all the experiential and enhanced learning courses (PSY 1900, 1902, 1903, 1907) may be applied toward the B.S. degree, with a maximum of 9 credits under one course number.
- Arts & Sciences allows a maximum of 24 research/internship credits toward the degree; therefore, students can take 12 research/internships credits through A&S and/or other A&S departments in addition to the 12 credit maximum in psychology.
Please talk to your advisor to determine which requirement this may fulfill in regard to your own degree progress.
Registering for Directed Research
- You must approach an instructor who is an expert in the area of interest.
- You and the instructor must complete a Learning Agreement.
- Email the completed learning agreement to the Psychology Advising Office at for review.
- The advising office will email you permission code for self-enrollment.
Completing Directed Research
- The student MUST meet with the faculty sponsor at least once a week to discuss the readings. It is recommended that the student prepare written notes and comments on the readings each week.
- By the mid-term of classes, the student submits a copy of the final reading list to the Psychology Advising Office.
- By the last week of classes, you will submit to the faculty sponsor a final reading list with notes on the readings and any papers written.
- The instructor reports the grade during exam week.