Sharon Nelson-Le Gall PhD

Professor Emerita, Psychology

    Education & Training

  • PhD, University of Illinois
  • Associate Editor, Child Development (2001-2007)
  • Fellow: American Psychological Association, Division 7, Developmental Psychology
  • Fellow: Association for Psychological Science
  • Visiting Professor, University of Aix-en-Provence
  • Visiting Professor, University of Rome
  • Distinguished Visiting Lecturer, Graduate College and University Center, City University of New York
Recent Publications

Representative Publications

Silk JS, Nelson E, Dahl RE, Stroud L, Lee KH, Siegle GJ. Increased neural response to peer rejection in adolescents with major depressive disorder. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience. 2013 Nov; epub ahead of print.

Nelson, M. M., & Schunn, C. D. (2008). The nature of feedback: How different types of peer feedback affect writing performance. Instructional Science.

Tharp-Taylor, S., & Nelson-Le Gall. S. (2005). Social orientations at home and at school: Gender differences in Black childrens perceptions and preferences. Negro Educational Review, 56, 245-257.

Nelson-Le Gall, S. (2006). Peer acceptance and Black childrens help-seeking in school. Negro Educational Review, 57, 5-13.

Quintana, S., Aboud, F., Chao, R., Contreras-Grau, J., Cross, W., Hudley, C., Hughes, D., Liben, L., Nelson-Le Gall, S., & Vietze, D. (2006). Race, ethnicity, and culture in child development: Contemporary research and future directions. Child Development: Special issue on race, ethnicity, and culture in child development, 77(5), 1129-1141.

Quintana, S., Aboud, F., Chao, R., Contreras-Grau, J., Cross, W., Hudley, C., Hughes, D., Liben, L., Nelson-Le Gall, S., & Vietze, D. (Eds.). (2006). [Special issue on race, ethnicity, and culture in child development]. Child Development, 77(5).

Jones, E. F., & Nelson-Le Gall. S. (2009). Black children's judgments of in-group and out-group students academic achievement motivation and behavior. Negro Educational Review, 60, 53-69.

Wheeler, M. E., Petersen, S. E., Velanova, K., Nelson, S. M., and Ploran, E. J. (2008). Identifying early and late error signals in perceptual recognition. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 20(12), 2211-2225.

Ploran, E. J., Tremel, J. J., Nelson, S. M., and Wheeler, M. E. (2011). High quality but limited quantity perceptual evidence produces neural accumulation in frontal and parietal cortex. Cerebral Cortex, 21, 2650-2662.