Kenneth Perkins, Ph.D.

  • Professor, Psychiatry


Human Behavioral Pharmacology Labs

Our focus is on how behavioral factors influence the use and effects of drugs, especially nicotine, in humans.

Director: Kenneth A. Perkins, Ph.D.

E-1335 WPIC



Education & Training

  • PhD, University of Iowa

Research Interest Summary

Effects of Nicotine & Smoking on Persistence of Dependence; Cessation Treatments

Research Interests


Representative Publications

Perkins, K.A., Lerman, C., Karelitz, J.L., Jao, N.C., Chengappa, K.N.R., & Sparks, G.M. Sensitivity and specificity of a procedure for early human screening of novel smoking cessation medications. Addiction, 2013, 108, 1962-1968.

Perkins, K.A. & Lerman, C.  An efficient early Phase 2 procedure to screen medications for efficacy in smoking cessation.  Psychopharmacology, 2014, 231, 1-11.

Karelitz, J.L, Michael, V.C., Boldry, M.A., & Perkins, K.A.   Validating use of internet-submitted carbon monoxide values by video to determine quit status.  Nicotine and Tobacco Research, 2017, 19, 990-993.

Perkins, K.A., Kunkle, N., & Karelitz, J.L. Preliminary test of cigarette nicotine discrimination threshold in non-dependent versus dependent smokers.  Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 2017, 175, 36-41. 

Perkins, K.A., Karelitz, J.L., & Boldry, M.A. Nicotine acutely enhances reinforcement from non-drug rewards in humans.  Frontiers in Psychiatry (Addictive Disorders section), 2017, 8, 65.

Perkins, K.A., Karelitz, J.L., & Kunkle, N.   Sex differences in subjective responses to moderate versus very low nicotine content cigarettes. Nicotine and Tobacco Research, in press.


Accepting Graduate Students

