Hot Metal Bridge Post-Bac Program

Each year the Department of Psychology typically has 3 or 4 post-bac students participating in Pitt's Hot Metal Bridge Post-Bac Program. This program provides two semesters of funding and training for students from groups traditionally underrepresented in psychology, to bridge the gap between an undergraduate degree and graduate school. 

To learn more about inclusion initiatives in the Psychology Department more broadly, see the Psychology Committee on Equity, Inclusion, and Community (PEIC) page.

For the 2025-2026 application cycle, the following faculty are potential mentors for HMB students. We encourage you to consider applying! 

Scott Fraundorf
Scott Fraundorf PhD

Topic: How people choose study strategies and how they can study more effectively? More info.

Jamie Hanson
Jamie Hanson PhD

Topic: How do socioeconomic status and stress shape brain and behavioral development? More info. 

Marquis Hawkins
Marquis Hawkins PhD

Topic: How does sleep health impact maternal health during and after pregnancy? More info.

Kiera James
Kiera James PhD

Topic: What factors contribute to the development and recurrence of suicidal thoughts and behaviors (STBs) during childhood and adolescence? More info.

Andrea Medrano
Andrea Medrano PhD

Topic: How do contextual stressors shape the psychological and academic development of Latina/o adolescents, and what factors, shaped by intersectional identities, can buffer these effects across different cultural contexts? More info.

Ben Rottman
Ben Rottman PhD

How can we aid people in making choices to reduce the energy consumption in their homes. More info. Note - this topic is a new topic for me, so isn't reflected on my lab website.

Elizabeth Votruba-Drzal
Elizabeth Votruba-Drzal PhD

Topic: How children learn math skills in early childhood? How does income volatility relate to problem behaviors in youth? More info.