"In addition to the analytical skills that I expected to be required of me in science, I’m also getting chances to be creative. Further, having to balance research with the rest of my school schedule is helping with time-management skills."
Supervising Faculty: Dr. Natasha Tokowicz
Area of Research: Cognitive Psychology/Neuroscience; Second Language Learning
Description of Research:
This project includes a study of adult second language learning and its relationship to musical ability/experience. We use cognitive neuroscientific approaches to examine these issues and also explore individual differences such as working memory updating.
Duties of Students:
- Read relevant research articles and discuss them and other related theoretical issues at research meetings
- Assist with recruiting and testing participants (following training) in behavioral and/or ERP experiments
- Assist with data coding, entry, and analysis, and experiment programming
- Assist with coding musical tasks
Additional Requirements:
- Reliable individuals interested in gaining research experience
- Preferred 3.3 GPA or higher
- Minimum of 3 credits for 2 semesters
- Recommended basic computer skills and familiarity with Excel
- Musical training needed to code particular musical tasks
- Availability for weekly lab meetings on Fridays from 3-4 PM is required
Terms offered: fall and spring (Some summers)
To apply: Complete the application available at: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/10agdV1kdxWNeRpji_QtUbPkQo9JnpwoKCFcWfwMk4YY/viewform?usp=send_form. Once complete, you may email Dr. Tokowicz at tokowicz@pitt.edu to let her know that you have submitted an application. This link will draft the email automatically.