1907 ERP studies of Reading and Language Learning

Supervising Faculty: Charles Perfetti, Ph.D

Contact: Charles, Perfetti, Ph.D, perfetti@pitt.edu / e.cimiN@pitt.edu

Area of Research: Cognitive

Description of Research: This project includes both behavioral and brain-related (ERP) experiments aimed at understanding the cognitive processes of reading and language processing. We study language and reading, including how people understand what they read (comprehension) and how they learn new words. We also study how reading is different across language and writing systems and how students learn to read in a second language.

Duties of Students:

  • Read relevant research articles and discuss them and other related theoretical issues
  • Help develop experimental materials and write experiment programming
  • Assist with recruiting and testing participants (following training) in behavioral and/or ERP experiments
  • Assist with data coding, entry, and analysis
  • Attend Weekly Lab Meetings when schedule allows


  • Overall GPA of 3.0 or higher
  • 12 credits of Psychology (including current term)
  • STAT 0200/1000/1100 Statistics
  • PSY 0036 Research Methods Lecture
  • PSY 0037 Research Methods Lab

Additional Requirements:

  • Highly motivated, reliable individuals interested in gaining research experience
  • Minimum of 2 credits of Directed Research per semester
  • 2 semester commitment preferred
  • Recommended basic computer skills and familiarity with Excel
  • Availability for weekly lab meetings

Terms offered: Fall, Spring, Summer

Number of students: Varies