1903 Bertocci: InCabs Imaging Study

Supervising Faculty: Michele Bertocci, PhD

Contact: Dr. Michele Bertocci, bertoccima@upmc.edu

Area of Research: Functional Neuroimaging; Machine Learning; Clinical Psychiatry

Description of Research: This longitudinal study to identify markers of bipolar disorder using MRI, actigraphy, questionnaire data, and machine learning to improve early detection of illness and inform treatment planning and personalized interventions.

Duties of Students: assist with data entry and cleaning, assist with day to day research activities, review selected readings, meet regularly with mentor to monitor progress on final project, prepare manuscript or poster as a final project


  • Overall GPA of 3.0 or higher
  • 12 credits of Psychology (including current term)
  • STAT 0200/1000/1100 Statistics
  • PSY 0036 Research Methods Lecture
  • PSY 0037 Research Methods Lab
  • Act 33 and 73 child abuse clearances
  • Comprehensive Crisis Management Training
  • Minimum 2 term commitment

Students are not required to obtain federal clearances and/or crisis management training prior to being selected for directed research. Dr. Bertocci will assist with these processes after initial interview and onboarding.

Recruitment Process: I will, with assistance of my study coordinator, respond to the student's inquiry and screen the student to determine eligibility based on prerequisites, schedule availability, background, interests, and motivation for engaging in directed research. Then the study coordinator and I will meet with the student to discuss the research project and lab's activities, mission, and expectations. We will also discuss how our research aligns with the student's interests and goals. We will use a standard set of questions to minimize bias and promote equity (see below).

1. Tell us a bit about yourself.

(Use as an opener to gain basic background and long-term goals of student including areas

of interest, intended career path, etc.)

2. What do you hope to gain from this directed research experience?

3. What do you find most exciting about our research?

4. What do you see as your greatest strengths and weaknesses based on your

academic/research experience so far?

5. Do you prefer to work independently or as a team and what is your preferred

communication style?

6. Why do you feel that you would be a good fit for this position?

Terms offered: Fall, Spring

Number of Students: 1