1900 - Office of Health Education & Promotion

Office of Health Education & Promotion
Student Health Service - Wellness Center,
Nordenberg Hall
119 University Place, Pittsburgh, PA. 15260

Contact Person: Megan Stahl mes249@pitt.edu

Areas of Interest:  Health Psychology, Social Work, Public Health, Health Education

Who we are: The Office of Health Education & Promotion (OHEP) at the Student Health Service provides a variety of services and programs to University of Pittsburgh students that attempt to improve personal and community health. Health topics typically addressed within this office include (but are not limited to) sexual health, alcohol abuse prevention, tobacco prevention and cessation, nutrition, and stress management.

Description: Students will work in conjunction with OHEP staff and PantherWELL peer health educators to design, implement, and evaluate health-related programs across campus. Students applying for this position should be interested in raising awareness of the health topics that affect college students.

Duties of Intern:

  • Student will be responsible for developing an interactive health education program to be presented to college student groups.
  • Student will participate in large-scale health education projects, for example, National Collegiate Alcohol Awareness Week, Great American Smokeout, National Nutrition Month, etc.
  • Student will assist the OHEP staff in performing needs assessments of University students to determine programming needs.
  • Student will assist the OHEP staff in evaluating current programming efforts.


  • Send e-mail letter of interest and resume to contact person
  • Please provide contact information of two references, preferably a previous work or internship supervisor.  References from a university professor would also be accepted, but work or internship references are preferred.
  • Minimum 3.0 GPA
  • Juniors or Seniors preferred
  • Recommended but not required: Currently registered in OR completed Health Psychology (PSY 1215)  and/or  Alcohol Use and Abuse (PSY 1235)

General Information: Located on Pitt’s Oakland campus.

Terms Offered: fall and spring

Number of Students: 1 per term