1900 - Allegheny County Medical Examiner's Office

"I got a much more hands on experience than I expected. I learned a lot from being heavily involved in the procedures that are to be completed in both areas. Investigations was different than autopsy, because I expected that we would be busier and there was more downtime between calls to scenes than I expected."

Forensic Internship
1520 Penn Avenue 
Pittsburgh, PA 15222

Contact Person:  Mandy Tinkey, Mandy.Tinkey@alleghenycounty.us, 412-350-4425

Areas of Interest:  Forensic psychology, Forensic science, pre-med and health related careers

Description: The medical examiner's function is to investigate the circumstance, cause and manner of sudden or unexpected, medically unattended, suspicious, and/or violent deaths. Interns are afforded the opportunity to explore all facets of the Medical Examiner's Office. In addition to their investigative work alongside an experienced medicolegal death investigators, they are exposed to post mortem examinations with pathologists, histology and autopsy technicians, forensic photo documentation, and scene investigation. Interns will also be provided an opportunity to tour the Division of Laboratories as well as be provided with a didactic rotation through all disciplines in the office. This field placement is a "hands-on" experience where you take from the program what you put into it.

Additional Site Requirements:

  • Participation as a team member with other professionals and interns
  • Interns will be scheduled, based on their availability, during Tuesday – Friday 8-4 with Thursdays 8-12 being mandatory
  • Valid PA driver's license
  • Criminal background check may be required

Terms Offered: fall, spring, and summer

Number of Students: Varies (up to 9)

Application Deadlines: 

  • No later than November 15th, for the Spring semester.
  • No later than March 15th, for the Summer semester.
  • And no later than July 15th, for the Fall semester.