- Smoking Research Group
- PhD, University of California at Los Angeles
Education & Training
Representative Publications
Sayette, M.A., Shiffman, S., Tiffany, S.T., Niaura, R.S., Martin, C.S., & Shadel, W.G. (2000). The measurement of drug craving. Addiction, 95, S189-S210.
Kamarck TW, Schwartz J, Shiffman S, Muldoon MF, Sutton-Tyrrell K and Janicki D: Psychosocial stress and cardiovascular risk: What is the role of daily experience? Journal of Personality, 73, 1749-1774, 2005.
Kamarck TW, Muldoon MF, Shiffman SS and Sutton-Tyrrell K: Experiences of demand and control during daily life are predictors of carotid atherosclerotic progression among healthy men. Health Psychology, 26, 324-332, 2007.
Scharf, D. M., Dunbar, M. S., & Shiffman S. (2008). Smoking during the night: prevalence and smoker characteristics. Nicotine and TobaccoResearch, 10(2), 167-178
Dunbar, M. S., Scharf, D. M., Kirchner, T., & Shiffman, S. (2010). Do smokers crave some cigarettes more than others? Situational correlates of craving when smoking. Nicotine & Tobacco Research, 12(3), 226-234.
Shiffman, S. & Paty, J.A. (2006). Smoking patterns of non-dependent smokers: Contrasting chippers and dependent smokers. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 115, 509-523.
Shiffman, S., Ferguson, S.G., & Gwaltney, C.J. (2006). Immediate hedonic response to smoking lapses: Relationship to smoking relapse, and effects of nicotine replacement therapy. Psychopharmacology, 184, 608-614.
Shiffman, S., Scharf, D.M., Shadel, W.G., Gwaltney, C.J., Dang, Q., Paton, S.M., &. Clark, D.B. (2006). Analyzing milestones in smoking cessation: Illustration in a nicotine patch trial in adult smokers. Journal of Clinical and Consulting Psychology, 74, 276-285.
Shiffman, S., Di Marino, M.E., & Sweeney, C.T. (2005). Characteristics of selectors of nicotine replacement therapy. Tobacco Control, 14, 346-355.
Shiffman, S. (2005). Dynamic influences on smoking relapse process. Journal of Personality, 73, 1715-1748.