Michael Sayette PhD

Full Distinguished Professor


Graduate Student Advisees:

  • Madison Collins
  • Madeline Goodwin
  • Eliza Marsh

    Education & Training

  • PhD, Rutgers -The State University
  • Provost’s Award for Excellence in Mentoring, University of Pittsburgh
  • Distinguished Scientific Contributions Award, American Psychological Association, Society for Addiction Psychology (Division 50)
  • Toy Caldwell-Colbert Award for Distinguished Educator in Clinical Psychology: Society of Clinical Psychology (Division 12 of the American Psychological Association), 2018
  • Fellow: American Psychological Association
  • Fellow: Association for Psychological Science
  • Fellow: Society for Personality and Social Psychology
  • Fellow: Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco
Recent Publications

Sayette, M.A., Goodwin, M.E., Creswell, K.G., Esmacher, H. & Dimoff, J.D. (in press). A person-centered analysis of craving in smoking cue-exposure research. Clinical Psychological Science.

Gurrieri, L., Fairbairn, C.E. Sayette, M.A., & Bosch, N. (2021). Alcohol narrows physical distance between strangers: A randomized study. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118, e210193711.

Sayette, M.A., Marchetti, M.A., Herz, R.S., Martin, L.M., & Bowdring, M.A. (2019).  Pleasant olfactory cues can reduce cigarette craving.  Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 128, 327-340.

Sayette, M. A., Creswell, K. G., Fairbairn, C. E., Dimoff, J. D., Bentley, K. Lazerus, T. (2019). The effects of alcohol on positive emotion during a comedy routine: A facial coding analysis. Emotion, 19, 480-488.

Bowdring, MA. & Sayette, M.A. (2018). Perception of physical attractiveness when consuming and not consuming alcohol: A Meta-Analysis.  Addiction, 113, 1585-1597.

Dimoff, J.D. & Sayette, M.A. (2017).  The case for investigating social context in laboratory studies of smoking.  Addiction, 112, 388-395.

Dimoff, J.D., Sayette, M.A., & Norcross, J.C. (2017). Addiction training in clinical psychology: Are we keeping up with the rising epidemic? American Psychologist, 72, 689-695.

Sayette, M.A. (2017). The effects of alcohol on emotion in social drinkers.  Behaviour Research and Therapy, 88, 76-89.

Sayette, M.A. (2016). The role of craving in substance use disorders: Theoretical and methodological issues.  Annual Review of Clinical Psychology, 12, 407-433.

Fairbairn, C.E. & Sayette, M.A, Aalen, O.O., & Frigessi, A. (2015). Alcohol and emotional contagion: An examination of the spreading of smiles in male and female drinking groups. Clinical Psychological Science, 3, 686-701.

Wilson, S.J. & Sayette, M.A. (2015).  Neuroimaging craving: Urge intensity matters.  Addiction, 110, 195-203.

Fairbairn, C. E., Sayette, M. A. (2014).  A social-attributional analysis of alcohol response. Psychological Bulletin, 140, 1361-1382.

Sayette, M.A. & Tiffany, S.T. (2013). Peak-provoked craving: An alternative to smoking cue reactivity. Addiction, 108, 1019-1025.

Sayette, M. A., Creswell, K. G., Dimoff, J. D., Fairbairn, C. E., Cohn, J. F., Heckman, B. W., et al. (2012). Alcohol and group formation: A multimodal investigation of the effects of alcohol on emotion and social bonding. Psychological Science, 23, 869-879.

Wilson, S. J., Sayette, M.A., & Fiez, J.A. (2012). Quitting-unmotivated and quitting-motivated cigarette smokers exhibit different patterns of cue-elicited brain activation when anticipating an opportunity to smoke. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 121, 198-211. DOI: 10.1037/a0025112.

Sayette, M.A., Reichle, E.D., & Schooler, J.W. (2009). Lost in the sauce: The effects of alcohol on mind-wandering. Psychological Science, 20, 747-752.

Sayette, M.A., Loewenstein, G., Griffin, K.M., & Black, J. (2008). Exploring the cold-to-hot empathy gap in smokers. Psychological Science, 19, 926-932.

Wilson, S.J., Sayette, M.A. & Fiez, J.A. (2004). Prefrontal responses to drug cues: A Neurocognitive analysis. Nature Neuroscience, 7, 211-214.

Sayette, M.A., Shiffman, S., Tiffany, S.T., Niaura, R.S., Martin, C.S., & Shadel, W.G. (2000). The measurement of drug craving. Addiction, 95, S189-S210.