Elizabeth Votruba-Drzal PhD

Full Professor, Director of the Learning Research and Development Center

Graduate Student Advisees:

  • Amber Liller
  • Tamara Podvysotska

    Education & Training

  • Ph.D., Northwestern University
  • Foundation for Child Development Young Scholar Award (2011)
Recent Publications

Koury, A.S. & Votruba-Drzal, E. (in press) School readiness of children of immigrants: Contributions of early environments. Journal of Educational Psychology.

Coley, R.L., Votruba-Drzal, E., Miller, P., & Koury, A. (in press). Timing, Extent, and Type of Child Care and Childrens Behavior Problems and Learning Behaviors in Kindergarten, Developmental Psychology.

Maldonado-CarreÌo, C. & Votruba-Drzal, E. (2011) Teacher-Child relationships and the development of academic and social skills during elementary school: A within and between child analysis. Child Development, 601-616.

Li-Grining, C.P., Votruba-Drzal, E., Maldonado-CarreÌo, C. & Haas, K. (2010). Childrens early approaches to learning and academic trajectories through fifth grade. Developmental Psychology, 66, 1062-1077.

Votruba-Drzal, E., Coley, R.L., Maldonado-CarreÌo, C., Li-Grining, C., & Chase-Lansdale, P.L. (2010). Child care and the development of behavior problems among economically disadvantaged children in middle childhood. Child Development, 81, 1460-1475.

Miller, P. & Votruba-Drzal, E. (in press). Family Income and Early Achievement Across the Urban to Rural Continuum, Developmental Psychology.

Votruba-Drzal, E., Levine- Coley, R., Koury, A.S., & Miller, P. (in press). Center-based child care and cognitive skills development: Importance of timing and household resources. Journal of Educational Psychology.

Gianaros, P.J., Manuck, S.B., Sheu, L.K., Kuan, D.C., Votruba-Drzal, E., Craig, A.E., Hariri, A.R. (2011). Parental education predicts corticostriatal functionality in adulthood. Cerebral Cortex, 21, 896-910.

El Nokali, N., Bachman, H. J., & Votruba-Drzal, E. (2010). Parent involvement and childrens academic achievement and social development in elementary school. Child Development, 81, 988-1005.

El Nokali, N.E., Bachman, H. J., & Votruba-Drzal, E. (2010) Parent involvement and childrens academic and social development in elementary school. Child Development, 988 - 1005.

Ciccocioppo, M., Frieze, I.H., Votruba-Drzal, E. (2011). The importance of addressing nonsexual exclusivity perceptions and ideals in therapy. Journal of Couple & Relationship Therapy, 10, 246-261.

Research Interests

The goal of my research program is to strengthen understanding about how key contexts support learning and socioemotional development during the transition to school and the elementary school years. My research places an emphasis on ethnically diverse and socioeconomically disadvantaged children, because these children tend to be underrepresented in developmental research, although they are overrepresented among those targeted by programs and policies. Grounded in bioecological models that conceptualize child development as the result of reciprocal interactions between individuals and the multiple environments in which they are embedded, my research focuses on the influences of child care, home, school, and social policies on development during early and middle childhood. Theoretical perspectives and methodological approaches from multiple disciplines, including psychology, education, economics, and sociology, guide my research in four primary areas. The first focus area aims to strengthen our understanding of the influence of socioeconomic status (SES) on children's development. The second explores the effects of early childhood education and care (ECEC) on childrens development. The third considers school, family, and child factors that enhance trajectories of academic achievement and socioemotional development during elementary school. The fourth examines the well-being of children and families following the implementation of the Temporary Assistance for Needy Family (TANF) program. In each of these areas, I strive to conduct research that will inform the development of policies and programs aimed at improving the life chances of children and families.

Accepting Graduate Students