students at desk
Real-World Impact

Our faculty and students conduct research that reaches out to Pittsburgh communities and far beyond.

Educational excellence begins here

Our psychology major and PhD programs prepare students for careers in psychology and allied disciplines, and develop strong research and analytic skills.


Congrats to alum Lindsay Taraban!

Lindsay Taraban, an alumna of the Clinical/Developmental joint program, was selected for the prestigious Early Career Research Contributions Award from the Society for Research in Child Development. Congratulations, Lindsay!

Pitt Day of Giving 2025: February 25th!

This year on Tuesday, February 25th, we will be raising funds for our department to support community building, valuable professional development opportunities for our graduate students, enhanced research opportunities for our undergraduates, and innovative curricular and pedagogical reforms. Any donation of at least $5 helps us get closer to our goal and increases our chances of winning additional prize money through department challenges – up to $3,000! Thank you for your continued support of our department.